Frozen Dessert Success - Blog by Sentry Equipment

What Is Your Why

Written by Robert Romarino | May 24, 2024 7:04:11 PM

Who, what, when, where, and why? Seems like the Why always gets the shaft. Always thought of last. Never really the top priority. Well, that all changes now as we push the why to the top of the ‘W’ thought chain! Sure the other W’s may be meatier, may be sexier, may be more fun to talk about. But when you’re thinking about opening an ice cream shop, the WHY is where to start.

Over the past 43 years we have had countless of Whys from our customers. Anytime I speak with someone about getting into the business, one of my first questions is…..WHY??? Funny thing is it catches most people off guard. They don’t expect it. They come to me to learn about the ice cream business and here I am trying to learn about them. I believe that knowing your “Why” will help you not only develop and create your concept, but gives you a better chance at success.

In the world of ice cream and desserts there is a ton of copycatting. Products aren’t all that different. Designs, logos, colors – somewhat similar. Pricing, menu, customer service – within the margin of error. But your Why belongs to you and only you. It can’t be duplicated. It can’t be copied. It can set you apart from your competition and give you the slight edge you need to dominate your market.

So what are some examples that I have seen?

Passion for Ice Cream

A genuine love for ice cream can be a powerful motivator. If you find joy in creating unique flavors, experimenting with textures, and sharing your creations with others, this passion can fuel your business journey. Your enthusiasm will resonate with customers and help you endure the challenges of running a business.

Market Demand

Research the market demand in your area. Is there a high interest in unique, artisanal ice cream? Are there gaps in the market that you can fill? Understanding the local appetite for ice cream can help you tailor your offerings and find a niche that sets you apart from competitors. You’re Why can simply be to scratch the missing itch in your market.

Creativity and Innovation

An ice cream business offers a great platform for creativity. From developing new flavors to designing an inviting shop atmosphere, the possibilities are endless. If you’re someone who thrives on innovation and enjoys the creative process, this business can be a fulfilling outlet for your ideas. I love love love when I have a customer who is fueled by creativity. It makes concept and recipe development loads of fun.

Community Engagement - Nostalgia

Ice cream shops often become beloved community spots where people gather to celebrate, relax, and connect. If you’re passionate about fostering community and creating a welcoming environment, an ice cream business can serve as a social hub that brings people together. Maybe you are just nostalgic to the local ice cream shop that is fading away and you want to reinvigorate the memories for future generations. That’s a very powerful Why.

Financial Considerations

While passion and creativity are important, it’s also essential to consider the financial aspects. Evaluate the startup costs, potential profitability, and long-term financial sustainability. An ice cream business can be lucrative, but it requires careful planning and management to ensure success. The low overhead, attractive food cost, and high net margins of the business offer a great Why for many of my customers. After all, it is an ice cream business.

Personal Goals

Reflect on your personal goals and how they align with running an ice cream business. Are you looking for a career change, a side hustle, or a new challenge? Perhaps you are developing this store to provide an entrepreneurial example for your children. Or maybe just to pass it down to your grandchildren. Family friendliness, both in the business execution and customer interaction, is a key driver for many.

Desire. Vision. Story. What makes you Unique? What is your WHY????? Once you know, it is now time to capitalize on it. It’s time to weave it into the fabric of your concept. Remember, your WHY is your unique competitive advantage over your competition. But if you keep it to yourself, you lose that advantage. Make sure you market your WHY. Make sure you promote your WHY. Explain it to your customers. Tell your story. Promote your vision. I’ve done it within recipes. I’ve done so through aesthetics. I’ve helped customers promote via social media. Press releases. Even in the business-type functions of the shop.

As I mentioned before, I strongly believe that knowing your WHY is paramount to the success of a new concept. Or even an existing one for that matter. Understanding your “why” will not only guide your initial steps but also sustain you through the challenges and triumphs of your entrepreneurial journey.

Without knowing your WHY, you are driving your car to a destination with no directions. Maybe you get there but it is going to take much longer with a lot of wrong turns. Let your WHY be your business GPS.