What is winterization?
Winterization is the process of removing all water in the condensing lines of your Electro Freeze frozen dessert equipment.
Why winterize your equipment?
In the winter, when temperatures get close to freezing, the water inside your equipment can freeze causing the internal plumbing lines of the machines to crack. This allows water to enter your system which will destroy the major components (compressors, condensors, etc) of your machines. Winterization prevents this by removing all water from the system
Dangers of not winterizing?
Extremely expensive repairs to your equipment – thousands of dollars at risk for a small winterization fee. At times, the repairs can be so bad and expensive, that machines cannot even be repaired. That is not a great way to start your season. Even if you have heat in your building over the winter, you should still winterize. I’ve seen many instances where the heat in a building breaks or stops working for a time period. By the time the owner realizes it, it is too late. You also want to have the confidence that when your season picks back up again in the spring, you don’t have to worry about water in your system.
Why Sentry Equipment?
At Sentry, we know our Electro Freeze brand and the proper procedure in winterizing the equipment. We will professionally winterize your equipment and guarantee the job. Should there be any issues caused by the winterization upon startup the next spring we will cover any and all repairs.
How do you schedule winterization?
Simply call the office at 800-853-8026 or email to service@sentryequipment.net to schedule a full winterization. There we can discuss the costs and process and accommodate a time for our technicians to come out to your location.
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